- 1st Calgary Financial
- Abbotsford Community Services
- Abbotsford Division of Family Medical Practice
- Abbotsford Fire and Rescue
- Abbotsford Human Resources
- Aboriginal Business Canada
- Administration and Professional Staff Association - Simon Fraser University
- Air Transat
- Alberni Specialties
- Alberta Charted Professional Accountants Association
- Alderwoods Group Inc.
- America Online
- Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of BC
- Aquinox Pharmaceuticals
- Arthur J Gallagher & Co, Los Angeles
- Association of BC Land Surveyors
- Association of Service Providers for Employability & Career Training
- AWC Process Solutions
- Baptist Housing
- Baseball Canada - Ottawa
- Bayer, Inc.
- BC Lottery Corporation
- BC Association of Coaches
- BC Automobile Association
- BC Call Centre of Excellence
- BC Capital Fire Training Officers Association
- BC Career Development Association
- BC Central Credit Union
- BC Certified Professional Accountants Association
- BC Children's Hospital Foundation
- BC Construction Safety Alliance
- BC Corrections
- BC Credit Union Central
- BC Ferry Corporation
- BC Financial HealthCare Professionals Society
- BC Fire Chiefs Conference
- BC First Nations
- BC First Responders Mental Health Conference
- BC Forest Safety
- BC Government Employees Union
- BC Land Surveyors Annual Conference
- BC Human Resources Directors
- BC Human Resources Management Association
- BC Hydro
- BC Hydro - Construction Services
- BC Hydro - Corporate Affairs
- BC Hydro - Distribution Vegetation Operations
- BC Hydro - Energy Managers Roundtable
- BC Hydro - Enviro Summit
- BC Hydro - Field Administration
- BC Hydro - Integrated Vegetation Management
- BC Hydro - Outreach
- BC Hydro - Power Pioneers
- BC Hyrdo - Projection and Control
- BC Hydro - Property Division
- BC Hydro - Restoration Centre
- BC Hydro - Telecom Technical
- BC Interior Safety Conference
- BCIT - Call Center of Excellence
- BC Laboratory Sciences Congress
- BC Legal Continuing Education
- BC Lottery Corporation
- BC Mines Health, Safety & Enforcement Division
- BC Ministry of Education
- BC Ministry of Finance
- BC Ministry of Forests
- BC Ministry of Labour
- BC Ministry of Technology, Innovation, and Citizenship
- BC Nurses Union
- BC Parks and Recreation
- BC Physiotherapy Leadership Division
- BC Real Estate Association
- BC Securities Commission
- BC Society of Laboratory Technologists
- BC Society of Laboratory Science
- BC Teachers Federation - Legal Dept.
- BC Timber Sales
- BC Wildfire Services
- Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver
- Biggar and District Credit Union - Saskatchewan
- Boating BC Association
- Bonsor Recreation Centre
- Bosch, Stuttgart, Germany
- Bosch OE Sales Forum, Sonthofen, Germany
- Brink Group of Companies
- British Columbia Institute of Technology
- British Columbia Real Estate Association
- Bryton Marine Group
- Building Owners & Managers Association of BC
- Burnaby Board of Trade
- Burnaby Parks and Recreation Dept.
- Burnaby RCMP
- Business Execution Summit 2018
- Business Objects Corporation
- Business Women's Network
- CAIS National Leaders Conference
- Calgary CEO Forum
- Campus Crusade for Christ
- Canada Post
- Canada Revenue Agency
- Canadian Association of Chemical Distributors, Toronto
- Canadian Blood Services
- Canadian Healthcare Academy
- Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
- Canadian Red Cross
- Capital Regional District
- Carlyle Shepherd Chartered Accountants
- Center for Epilepsy and Seizure Education in British Columbia
- Central Virginia Alliance for Community Living - Lynchburg, VA
- Centro Auditivo - Rio de Janeiro
- Certified Coaches Federation
- Certified General Accountants Association of Canada
- Certified Management Accountants of BC
- Certified Managerial Accountants - Vancouver Chapter
- Certified Managerial Accountants - Vancouver Island
- Certified Managerial Accountants - Victoria Chapter
- Cervelo, Toronto
- Cezars International Inc, Nagoya, Japan
- CFB Comox
- CFB Esquimalt
- CGI – Confederation of Golf In Ireland, Dublin
- Chapters Bookstores
- Charisma 2.0 Conference, Dublin
- Chartered Professional Accountants Association of BC
- CHED Radio - Edmonton
- Chemetics
- Chilliwack RCMP
- Cigonha Retreat, Portugal
- City of Abbotsford
- City of Burnaby
- City of Coquitlam
- City of Courtenay
- City of Delta
- City of New Westminster
- City of North Vancouver
- City of Peachland
- City of Port Coquitlam
- City of Port Moody
- City of Richmond
- City of Saanich
- City of Spruce Grove
- City of Surrey
- City of Vernon
- City of Victoria
- Clarendon Court
- Clean Systems, Tokyo, Japan
- Coaches Association of BC
- Coast Capital Savings
- Coastal Fire Centre Safety Summit
- Coca-Cola
- Commerzbank, Frankfurt
- Connect First Credit Union - Calgary
- Conquest Equipment - Winnipeg
- Constuction Industry Leadership Forum
- Construction Labour Relations Association of BC
- Coquitlam Community Pools
- Coquitlam Human Resources
- Coquitlam Pierro Study Group
- Coquitlam RCMP
- Courtyard Gardens
- Courts Administration Services
- CPABC Continuing Education
- CPABC Annual Conference
- CPA Manitoba
- CPA - New Brunswick
- CPABC Nexus Business & Insights Conference
- Credit Union Insurance Services Association
- Croix-Rouge Canadienne
- DGS - Rio de Janeiro
- D&H Group Accounting
- D.W. Associates
- David Suzuki Foundation
- Davidson and Company
- Davis Ward
- Delta Hospital
- Dental Technicians Association of BC
- Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Department of Indian and Northern Affairs
- Department of National Defense Canada
- Deloitte
- Destination BC
- Disruption Magazine
- District of Lake Country
- District of Kent
- District of North Vancouver
- District of Saanich
- District of West Vancouver
- Doctors of B.C.
- Dogwood Pavilion
- Douglas College Training Group
- E3 Financial, Los Angeles
- ECOMM (911)
- Edmonton Lifelong Learners Association
- Electrical Contractors Association of BC
- Elim Village
- Embassy Of Canada -Tokyo
- Empire Marketing
- EN World, Tokyo
- Encore Business Solutions
- Envision Financial
- Executive Medicine of Texas - Dallas
- Expedia - Seattle
- Export Development Canada
- Fidelity Investments, Dublin, Ireland
- Fidelity Investments, Galway, Ireland
- Finance Management Institute
- Financial Freedom Group
- First West Leaders Summit
- Food Banks BC
- Ford Motor Company
- Fraser Health
- Foundry North Shore
- Gage Publishing Co.
- Gallagher Benefit Services of California
- Geneva Marketing Show, Switzerland
- Global CEO Forum
- Global TV
- Great Canadian Gaming Corporation
- Great West Study Tours, Manila
- Greater Vancouver Regional District
- Health Trade Show
- HH Design, Lausanne, Switzerland
- H & H Total Care Services
- High Performance Leadership Conference, IMD, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Hilton Hotels And Resorts
- Hitachi, Las Vegas
- Holy Trinity Catholic Women's League
- HOPE International Development - Japan
- HRDC Canada
- HSBC - Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
- Human Resources Development Canada
- IBM, Toronto
- IIROC, Niagara Falls
- IMD, Switzerland
- Immigrant Services Society of British Columbia
- Independent Schools Association of BC
- Independent School Associaton of BC Principals
- Indiginous and Northern Affairs Canada
- Indosuez Wealth Management - Geneva, Switzerland
- Industry Canada
- Institute Of Internal Auditors
- Insurance Institute of Victoria
- Insurance Institute Canada
- Insurance Institute Of BC
- INTEGRA International Conference Keynote
- Integrated Water Services CRD
- Integrated Vegetation Mangement Association of BC
- Internal Auditors of Victoria
- International School Of Hamburg, Germany
- Investment Dealers Association Of Canada
- Invision Financial
- Jacobs Engineering Group
- Johnston Heights Church
- JTI, Monteux, Switzerland
- Justice Institute of BC
- Kerrisdale Community Center Board
- King Fisher Boats
- Kamloops Regional Correctional Centre
- K.I.T.E.S. Internation, Switzerland
- Kitsilano Business Leaders Association
- Kongsberg Mesotech Ltd.
- Langley Memorial Hospital Medical Staff Association
- Langley Museum
- Latin American Management Program
- Leadernomics, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Leede Jones Gable INC
- Les Clefs d'or Congress
- Lifetime Daily
- Lil'Wat Nation- Mt. Currie Band
- LK Collections
- LLT Certified General Accountants
- LMLGMA Conference
- Local Government Administrators Conference
- Local Government Management Association of B.C.
- Local Government Management Association - Lower Mainland Chapter
- Local Government Management Assoc. - Northern Chapter
- McKay CEO Forums
- McKay Executive Forums
- McMillan Bloedel
- MCP Talent Agency
- MDA Corporation - Richmond
- MDA Corporation - Halifax
- Medical Radiation Technology Conference
- Metro Vancouver
- Metro Van Construction Group
- Metro Vancouver Corporate Administration
- Metro Vancouver Financial Services
- Metro Vancouver Joint Health & Safety Committee
- Ministry of Employment And Income Assistance
- Ministry of Environment, Canada
- Ministry of Labour
- Monsanto, St. Louis
- Montreal Gazette
- Mott Electric
- Munich Bank, Dublin, Ireland
- Municipal Managers of BC
- NPR Indianapolis
- Nomadic School of Business
- North Richmond Alliance Church
- North Central Local Government Management Association
- North Fraser Dental Exellence
- North Shore Emergency Management
- Northwest Dental Society
- OBEROI International School India, Mumbai
- Odlum Brown
- Okanagan Municipal Association
- OMMA Provincial Conference
- Ontario Board of Funeral Directors, Toronto
- Ontario Dental Association Annual Conference - Toronto
- Original Cakerie
- Orthodontics Association
- Osoyoos Fire Department
- Pacific Association of Quantity Surveyors Congress
- Pacific Biological Station
- Pacific Community Services
- Pacific Dental Conference
- Pacific Naval Fleet
- Parc Retirement Living
- Paradowski Creative St. Louis
- Park Place Seniors Living
- Peace Portal Alliance Church
- Pension Corp
- Peoples Full Gospel Church
- Pharmasave
- Port Moody Public Library
- Port of Vancouver
- Prism Engineering
- Pro Coach
- Progressive Solutions
- Prostate Cancer Canada Network
- Providence Health Care
- Pulp and Paper Industry Joint Safety Conference
- Ramboll Management, Hamburg, Germany
- RBC - Royal Bank of Canada
- RCMP Major Crimes Division
- Regional Community Health - Flin Flon
- Regional District of North Okanagan
- Resort Municipality of Whistler
- Results Canada
- Richmond Public Library
- Richmond RCMP
- Ridge Meadows College
- Ridge Meadows Hospital Physician Engagement Society
- Ridge Meadows Senior's Conference 2017
- Ritchie Bros.
- Riverview Hospital
- Rogers Cable TV
- Rowing Canada
- Rotary Club of Canada
- Royal Bank Of Canada
- Royal Conservatory of Music
- RTE - Radio Television Ireland, Dublin
- Schneider Electric Corporation, France
- Safe Care BC
- Safeway
- Save On Foods
- Seabird Island Band
- Senior Leaders Conference - BC Wildfire Services
- Service Canada
- Shaw Cable TV
- Sharon Oaks
- Sisters of St. Ann's
- Snowcap Enterprises
- Sonrise Church
- Squamish Fire and Rescue
- Star FM radio
- Staying Young Show, Dallas, Texas
- S.U.C.C.E.S.S.
- Successful Studio Strategies Mastermind Seminar
- Sunlife Financial, Regina
- The Greenspan Company, San Fransisco
- TEDx Great Wall, Beijing, China
- Telus
- TESOL France - Paris
- TESOL Greece - Athens
- Terasen
- Tetra Pak, Pully, Switzerland
- Thompson Okanagan Local Government Administrators Association
- Thornbridge Gardens
- Toastmasters International
- Tokyo Canadian Chamber Of Commerce, Japan
- Tourism BC
- Town of Osoyoos
- Township of Langley
- Transport Canada
- Treaties and Aboriginal Government Canada
- UBC - AAPS - Vancouver
- UBC Okanagan - Association of Administrative and Professional Staff
- UBC - Admissions
- UBC Centre for Blood Research
- UBC Faculty of Commerce
- UBC Faculty of Dentistry
- University of British Columbia Industry Liaison Office
- UBC Safety Day
- UBC Treasury Department
- UBS, Zurich, Switzerland
- Uncommon Leadership Institute, Atlanta
- Unigestion, Geneva, Switzerland
- UNIFOR National Health & Safety Conference
- UNIFOR Regional Council
- Uniglobe Travel
- Union of B.C. Municipalities ( UBCM )
- Union Securities
- United Steel Workers Union
- Upper Island Certified Managerial Accountants
- Upper Island District Dental Society
- Urban Systems
- Valley CAAP Forum
- Vancouver Airport Authority
- Vancouver Board of Trade
- Vancouver CEO Forum
- Vancouver Coastal Health Authority
- Vancouver Executive Forum
- Vancouver Irish Business and Enterprise
- Vancouver Island Health Authority
- Vancouver Island Local Government Management Association
- Vancouver Island Safety Conference
- Vancouver Province
- Vancouver School Board Facilities Management
- Vancouver Television
- Vancouver White Caps Soccer Club, MLS
- VETS Group
- Victoria Conservatory of Music
- Voice Matters Ireland, Dublin
- VSB Facilites
- Walker Industries, Hamilton, Ontario
- Washington State Lottery Corporation
- Wesgroup Equipment
- West Vancouver Blue Jays
- West Canada Marine Recovery Corporation
- Western Cities Conference
- Western Conference on Safety
- Westshore Terminals
- Workers Compensation Board
- Workplace Magazine
- Worksafe BC
- World Rowing Coaches Conference
- Worley
- Xaxli'p Band
- Xaxlip Indian Band
- Young Presidents Organization
- Youngs Ferris Vocational Testing
- Your Workplace Magazine
- YWCA - Job Futures 55+
- YWCA Mindset Program