There is a curious relationship between mind and feet.Some days, in spite of all my efforts, I just can't seem to get my brain going. Said differently: I am in a state of .....


One of the most important things I have ever learned is that our brains are wired to see what is essential, not what is real. Stated differently: Humans don't .....


If this seems simple, it is. Four small words, used authentically, can make a .....


Olive oil is a powerhouse component of the Mediterranean diet, which is associated with good health and a long life. Numerous studies show olive oil can .....


A 2018 study1 found a 2% loss in hydration causes a measurable loss in focus and cognition. Two percent isn't that much. We may not even feel thirsty. If dehydration hits 5%, your loss of focus and concentration hits 35%. Another study2 found even one percent produces deficits. All this can lead to .....


Remember mom's advice for boredom and bad behaviour? "Go outside and play!"
Mom was right. Brain science confirms this sound advice. 
When we spend too much time indoors we can develop .....


Your mitochondria keeps your brain and mind moving. They power everything you do. And this includes how your brain pays attention, thinks, learns, and feels. Surprisingly, your mitochondria determine ......


If you're worried about your brain health, you're not alone. J. Stanford once said, "Health is state of body. Wellness is a sate of being." Maintaining both is not always easy.


The "Carryover Effect" is one of the most important things I have ever learned.
"Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you." ~ Oprah 
Ask yourself what makes you come alive.
Each of us is wired with at least one special talent.
It might be a hobby, a sport, writing, music, art, acting, gardening, and so on ...... the list is endless. 


Eat twice as often. 
Eat half as much.
Chew twice as long. 
"A full belly makes a dull brain." ~ Ben Franklin 
This made me laugh, because there is some truth to it. 


I started a habit some years ago that has been "magic" for my brain.  
Tecumseh once said, "When you arise in the morning give thanks for the light, and for your life."
This seems like good advice: a combination of light and gratitude.
And  sometimes, getting natural light during .....


Yes, there really are "happy meals". Food can lift your mood. I spent a few hours combing through my extensive library of "brain books" searching for foods that have been linked to happiness. Here is a list:


One of the most important things I've learned is that our brains are wired to see what is essential, not what is real. 
This is a secret that is simple, and powerful. It can help us see the world in new ways. 
We might even uncover "treasure" hiding in plain sight. 
Marcel Proust once said, "The real ....... "


Pumpkin seeds* make an excellent "brain snack" for people on the go. It's one of my favourites.
Hippocrates was a believer in food as medicine. One of his most famous quotes is “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food”. These words are often utilized for the eloquence with which they express the importance of our daily food choices. These days the relevance this phrase has is stronger than ever ....


Move more, age less, feel great, and stay sharp.
Noted neurologist Dr. David Perlmutter states, "Exercise is the number one brain growth factor." Science backs him up. Movement is the best medicine for our brains. Exercise* will ....


There are numerous ways to deal with stress. Many include distracting ourselves: comfort food, reading, walking, Zooming, TV, meeting the neighbours at a safe distance for drinks. All of these can help us cope with stress and anxiety, but there's one way that seems to stand out as especially effective. And that is to .....


Want to feel calmer faster?

A University of Essex study* found that ....


There's lots of talk about the immune system these days. 
Our immune system is made up of organs, tissues, cells, and proteins that fight off viruses, bacteria, and foreign bodies that cause infection and disease. When it comes to the immune system, the stronger the better! And a good place to start is the grocery store. Certain foods can help. Here are 20 powerful immune boosters:


Which "summer foods" are the best for brain health? It turns out that there are six that can help us power through the day, and keep our brains sharp and healthy for life.


You sit down at the table, move the napkin to your lap, put the phone on silent, and place it face-down on the table. You sit down to read a book, or study, press "silent mode", put the phone down. Now you're ready to focus and concentrate, right? Maybe not. 


Here's my Number 1 Rule for better sleep: Protect your final hour. A lack of sleep is bad for our brains. It's also bad for the trajectory of our day, our productivity, and our social interactions. In fact nothing is probably more damaging to the way others perceive us than the impact of chronic sleep deprivation. 


We all know we should be kind to others - our families, co-workers, neighbours, strangers. Everyone benefits. It turns out though, that the one who benefits the most is probably you. 


The food we eat today can improve our brain health for years to come. Every bite we take matters. A lot. I've been eating a lot more of this ....


Silence is golden. This is especially true for your brain. How often does your brain experience utter silence? It seems everywhere we go there is noise, noise, and more noise. Peace and quiet? Not so much.


Do you remember the old story of the house with the golden windows? It tells of a little boy who would look across the sprawling meadows outside his house every morning and see in the distance ......


Having a purpose improves the lives of others. And having a strong purpose for your life can protect your brain, and prevent mental decline. 


This super food is a gold mine of benefits for your brain and body. Consider this:


If you do this, then you may live to 100.


Do your take your brain health seriously. Or do you take it for granted. Remember, you get one brain. 


Nature seems to have a unique restorative affect on your brain. Why is this?


Prolonged negative thinking diminishes your brain's ability to.....


  • I'm pretty sure you don't get great ideas when you are.....


Cinnamon is my favourite "brain spice". I use it daily.


‘Texter's Neck’ is the position your neck is in when you are looking down at your phone. Flexing your head forward for long periods of time can cause cervical spinal degeneration which will affect your posture, and your brain. 


Kale is a superstar. When was the last time you ate it?


Ask yourself are you getting enough sleep?


We are all soft-wired to tell and respond to stories.


So, how are your New Year's resolutions going so far? {I thought I should give this about a week before checking in...


I take my brain health seriously. How about you?


Too much stress, over a long period of time, is not good for your brain. Stress raises cortisol levels in your brain which, given enough time, can lead to cell death.


Some foods are fun to eat. It's even better when they're good for your brain.


Ralph Waldo Emerson was once asked what people would do if the stars came out only once every thousand years.


"A novel is a direct impression of life." ~ Henry James


What's the easiest, quickest way to increase your brainpower?


Getting enough sleep keeps you thin.


Someone once said, "I am what I ate and I'm frightened." He was right, especially where our brains are concerned.


Why are some people listened to more than others?


Are you getting 7- 9 hours of good sleep each night?

These 7 foods can help.


How well did you sleep last night? How long did you sleep? These are two good questions.


Did you drop the wrong ball?


Brain attack. That's what a stroke is.


What really matters to most people? Your brain remembers what touches you emotionally.


You don't perceive a reality as it really is. You perceive a reality as it is constructed by your own mind.


Is there such a thing as memory in a cup? It turns out that there is. 


"I rarely think in words at all. A thought comes, and I may try to express it in words afterwards." - Albert Einstein


Your brain loves summer. Here are 7 reasons why this is probably true:


If you do too much of this common thing then your brain will suffer.


Who really gets ahead in this world?


Why does your brain need a steady diet of purple?


Your brain would know the difference between your hand and a rubber hand. Or would it?


What is the most important discovery about your brain ever?


Learning is as vital to your brain as oxygen.


Why do optical illusions work?


What is the one thing you absolutely need to run your life successfully?


You'd think our brains would have learned.


The food you eat every day influences your energy levels, and your mood.


I was asked a great question by a ten year old.


How do you persuade a child to complete a homework assignment? How do you persuade employees to embrace a change?


How can exercise supercharge your brain?


Would your brain pass the Marshmallow Test?


Breakfast is your brain meal. I have been telling people for years in my live presentations that...


I have been telling people for years to look after their brains. I started the Brain Bulletin to help make it easier.


Here are 6 things you probably don't know about your brain:


We live in the Information Age. I think that's wrong. We live in the Imagination Age.


A familiar brain-food takes on yet another starring role! 


Does your brain really multitask?


What is the #1 brain myth out there, and why is it dangerous?


What limits your willpower? Neuroscientists have recently discovere that your brain has a willpower budget. 


Just as a car needs maintenance to run, your brain needs regular maintenance to perform its chores.


Hope is as vital to your brain as the oxygen you breathe. Here's the #1 way to create hopeful brain > 


My favorite brain book was just named one of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time.


Smiling has a big impact on your brain. Sometimes feeling great is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of you feeling great. 


Your brain may be younger or older than your actual age. Are you ready to take the test?


Music affects your brain in profound ways.


Have you ever wondered why stress, problems, and the "stuff" life throws at us affect some people a lot more that others? 


Are you short-changing your brain? Make sure you eat 5 of these super brain foods every day.


Neuroscientists predict that within 15 years brain disease will kill, or disable more people than cancer and heart disease combined.


I have often heard it said that grades are not important. However, after 33 years of teaching, I know.....


I read a great article today full of good news for your brain!


What's going on in there?


What do you do when you can't hear on your cell phone because the room is too loud?


How is your fluid intelligence? Strong fluid intelligence is essential in healthy relationships.


Has the widespread "FLIT" virus leaped from your computer's brain into yours? The "FLIT" virus alters your brain's behaviour and devastates your daily productivity. Your brain truly lives in busy times!


How would you make a rat baby dumb? Japanese researchers set out to answer this question. The scientists rounded up 2 groups of


What is the #1 drink on the planet for your brain?


My sessions are filled with science, strategies, stories, and lots of real learning. With all that... this is my most requested piece from people who have heard me speak. I think I know why. 


What's the secret to raising smart kids? The secret is....don't tell them how smart they are. Here's why....


I'm full but I'm going to eat this anyway. How much would you eat if your soup bowl had been secretly rigged by scientists to always stay half full? When would you stop eating?


Your brain makes more than 200 food related decisions everyday. Toast or cereal? Cream or skim? Soup or hamburger? Take a candy or not? Part of it or all of it? Kitchen or car? And on....


Learning is to the brain what exercise is to the body.


Some people's brains age well. And some don't. I read these 2 statements today by leading neuroscientists:


If you stick your tongue out at a newborn, the newborn will do the same. Why is that? The answer.....mirror neurons.


You brain affects everything you do. Smart people know how to affect their brains and music has a powerful affect on your brain. 


When you brain works right, your life works right! And everyone needs a little help.


You don't have a brain. You have 2 brains!


Do you know what the #1 job of your brain is?


Here is something interesting for you to read. Read it quickly. And then....


Wouldn't it be great to have an elixir that would boost your memory, concentration, and brighten your mood? There is - breakfast. Breakfast is your "brain meal". 


Your brain is involved in everything you do. When your brain works right, your life works right! When your brain is troubled, you have trouble in your life. 


How would you like to make yourself happier anytime, anywhere...on command?


Getting into university is getting harder. In Greater Vancouver, where I live, it now takes an 80% plus average.


Laughter is good for your brain! A laugh floods your brain with chemical reactions that help your brain perform better and last longer.


How many of you have a pile of books that you are intending to read someday?!


Ever get to the bottom of a page and wonder what you just read? You're not alone. Most people's reading comprehension is not very good.


Everyone I know seems a bit stressed. Life today has a way of doing that. 


Want a sharper brain? Better concentration? Increased memory? Boost mental alertness? Wouldn't it be great if there was a magic "fix" for all this?....


How would you like to cut your learning work load in half! And remember more!! Then be a MULTI-TRACKER.


How many of you have noticed that understanding something does not guarantee that you will be able to recall it?! Have you noticed that your mind has a mind of its own?


This headline recently in USA Today - "Alzheimer's Cases Expected to Rise At a More Rapid Rate!" Sixteen be hit with this brain disease....


Remembering names is one of the most important business and social skills on the planet. 19 out of 20 people at my live seminars tell me that they are terrible at this skill....


Too much stress is bad for your brain. Stress normally comes and goes. Like the tides, fears and anxieties subside shortly after their onset. But what happens when they don't? Neuroscience points to 4 things:


What is it that you do every week that literally makes you stupid?


Your brain is so powerful you can literally think yourself fit!


Yes you read it right - RANCID!


It's never too early to save your brain! Neuroscientists believe that age-related damage in your brain begins the day you are born.


Your brain is a sleeping giant!

Recent cutting-edge, startling research from neuroscience has shown that the potential of your brain is vastly greater than you ever imagined. 
