Brain Bulletin #104 - This is Golden for Your Brain

in Brain Bulletin

Silence is golden. This is especially true for your brain.

How often does your brain experience utter silence? It seems everywhere we go there is noise, noise, and more noise. Peace and quiet? Not so much.

Science says silence is good for your brain. It's important to seek it out.

Ester Buchholz rightly observed, “Others inspire us, information feeds us, practice improves our performance, but we need quiet time to figure things out, to emerge with new discoveries, to unearth original answers.” Indeed. 

Too much noise, all the time, is not good for your brain. Consider this:

Research has linked noise pollution to increased stress, heart disease, sleep loss, high blood pressure, decreased motivation, increased error making, and lower performance at work and school. Your cognitive functions most affected by noise are memory, problem solving, creativity, and reading focus. (World Health Organization and European Commission's Joint Research Centre)

Silence is more important to your brain than you might think.

If you can carve out some silence in your day, you get these benefits:

- The growth of new brain cells in the hippocampus....the part of your brain that is associated with memory. (Duke University)

- Some much needed rest for your brain. A release from careful attention gives your brain a chance to focus, and self-reflect. Instead of listening to what's going on around you, you get to listen to what's going on inside your head. You might even discover a pattern, or two.

- A good work out for your memory. When there is complete silence your brain's cortex remains active and dynamic. It works at sorting, recalling, organizing, evaluating, predicting, and imagining. (Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2013)

- A break from noise gives you brain chance to relax, dial down the stress, to do its job, and weave yourself into the world. 

Here a couple of great quotes to keep in mind:

"Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence." ~ Desiderata

"Silence is a great source of strength." - Lao Tzu  

If you can, be intentional about finding silence in your day. 

Maybe you could find a peaceful place in your neighborhood and go for a walk. Make it a daily habit. Your brain might just thank you with your next great idea!


On a similar note here's something else to read:

Brain Bulletin #96 - When Was the Last Time You Had a Great Idea? 

And this: Brain Bulletin #98 - This Is Your Brain on Nature 

Congratulations on learning something about your brain today. The Brain Bulletin is committed to help you to do just that. If you missed any Brain Bulletins you can find them in the Brain Bulletin Archive:

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Also, something great and ongoing for your brain:

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I just posted an terrific article called: "10 Benefits of Reading - Why You Should Read Everyday" > 

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My favourite book this month was "The Brain Fog Fix - Reclaim Your Focus, Memory, and Joy is Just 3 Weeks" by Mike Dow. Lots of value in this book!

Well, it's been a busy few months. 37 presentations so far this year. Some highlights include: UBC, Baseball Canada, Rowing Canada, Township of Langley, Pension Corporation, and lots of schools. It's finally Spring in the Pacific Northwest, and our brains are rejoicing. I'm getting in lots of cycling. 

I'm also pleased to announce that the "IMPACT and Influence - Speaking with the Brain, Body, and Voice in Mind" Tour sold out in less than a week. I will be co-presenting these events in June with colleague and great friend Poll Moussoulides from Ireland. We will be in Calgary, Vancouver, Victoria, and Langley.


Thanks for taking the time to read this. I know you are busy. 

Terry Small, "the Brain Guy", Independent Scholar & Learning Skills Specialist.

To book Terry for a presentation please write to 


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