Brain Bulletin #93 - This is Your Brain on Kale
in Brain BulletinKale is a superstar. When was the last time you ate it?
Kale is good medicine for your brain. It's a great source of nutrient density and it can help keep your brain (and body) running well.
A cup of raw kale has only 33 calories and zero grams of fat, and consider this:
- Kale amps up your detox power (sulfurophane).
- Promotes longer life (kaempferol).
- Improves your over all sense of optimism (carotenoids).
- Packed with antioxidants.
- Great source of omega-3's to support the fat in your brain.
- Low in carbs, so no spike in blood sugar.
- Reduces inflammation. (Inflammation is a brain killer)
- Packed with Vit C, A, and K.
- Has a fair bit of protein.
- Is a good source of minerals copper, potassium, iron, manganese, and phosphorus.
- Lowers cholesterol.
All this adds up to kale being a superstar food for your brain.
Remember, "A person too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools." ~ Spanish Proverb
Try to eat more kale. This might be a good place to start:
Brain Summer Smoothie
- Get a good blender.
- Put in a little water.
- Add organic apple, or pear (or a bit of both) - skin on, seeds removed
- half a banana
- one pitted date
- handful of kale (other leafy greens work, too) - a good ratio is 40% greens, 60% fruit
- Add more water, if necessary - to up it even more, add a bit of avocado and kelp powder
- Blend until smooth.
Expect a surge of energy and brain focus. These foods contain the amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan. The combination of leafy greens and fruit boost dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine boosts your attention and memory. Serotonin improves your mood, learning, and curbs appetite.
{Keep kale handy and use it as a bed for chicken or fish, toss a bit in with pasta, add some to salad, make kale chips.....}
More suggestions for superstar brain foods can be found here:
Pay attention to what you eat and your brain will thank you.
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My favorite book this probably guessed it: "Kale - The Complete Guide to the World's Most Powerful Superfood" by Stephanie Pedersen. Everything you ever wanted to know about kale...and probably a bit more. Some good recipes.
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