Brain Bulletin #67 - Your Incredible Plastic Brain
in Brain BulletinWhat is the most important discovery about your brain ever?
It's neuroplasticity.
Brain plasticity, or neuroplasticity, is a strange word for many people. When people hear the word "plastic" they often think of sandwich wrap. However, brain plasticity is a neuroscientific term referring to your brain's ability to change at any age for better or worse. It is hard to overstate the importance of this process in shaping who you become as a person.
Your brain forms a million new connections every second! Take a moment and think about that. Clearly our everyday experiences and thoughts are hugely important in making our brains what they are.
Scientists are increasingly becoming interested in the forces that act on our brains. Our social interactions, environment, emotions, and spiritual lives all have an impact. In fact, your brain is different than when you started reading this.
Here's the question: "What are the details of exactly how our brains can be permanently altered by our experiences?"
Here is an incredible video. Take the 20 minutes to watch it. You will be astounded.
Here is the link:
The discovery that our thoughts can change the function and very structure of our brains is remarkable. How will you use this information?
In case you missed it here is an interesting piece that ties in nicely: Think Yourself Fit!
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Something great and ongoing for your brain:
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Twitter is a great way to learn and fuel your brain. I just posted something cool on why "magical thinking" works.
I will be posting, or tweeting as it's called, regularly about the brain. What I'm reading, watching, thinking, doing....all as it relates to your brain. Twitter restricts tweets to 140 characters, so it is always quick and to the point. No time wasting!
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My brain has had a great month. I gave presentations in Switzerland, Terrace, Saanich, Winfield, Peachland, Courtenay, Calgary, and lots in Greater Vancouver. I managed to get a free day in Switzerland and crossed Lake Geneva to Evian, France and bought a great antique oil painting. I know it's great because Leslie hung it in our living room instead of saying, "that will look great up in your office."
I am off to Winnipeg in a couple of days to keynote the MART Provincial Conference and then to Brazil to present at the High Performance Leadership Conference in Sao Paulo. I also get to visit Rio. Maracana Stadium here I come! I'm home then for a few days to work with BC Hydro and MDA Corp. and then off to speak in Hong Kong. Back home for a few talks and then to Japan for the Brainguy Tour 2011.Whew...I better eat lots of walnuts!
I reread an excellent book on neuroplasticity this month called "The Brain that Changes Itself" by Norman Doidge. I had forgotten how terrific it is..