Brain Bulletin #98 - This Is Your Brain on Nature
in Brain Bulletin
How much time do you spend outdoors? John Burroughs once said, "I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order." Good advice. Spending time in nature is good for your brain. Consider this: Why would similar hospital patients just a few rooms apart recover at different rates? It turned out that some rooms faced a brick wall, while others faced a small stand of deciduous trees. Other than that, the rooms were identical. When the researcher at Paoli Memorial Hospital looked at patient recovery charts, he was struck by how much better the patients fared when their rooms looked out on to a natural setting. Those who faced a brick wall needed a full extra day of recovery time. They were also more depressed, and experience more pain. Plenty of studies show similar results. And the effects are large. It seems that grass and trees are good for your brain. Why? Many of us love urban environments. Architecture has is its own beauty. Nature, though, seems to have a unique restorative affect on our brains. William James noted that their are two types of human attention: directed attention and involuntary attention. Your brain is engaged in directed attention when you are driving your car, reading a book, writing, negotiating a crowded sidewalk, etc.. Involuntary attention is what happens when your brain is in nature. You attention wanders freely in a non-directed way. This mental meandering seems to restore mental function. Directed attention depletes. Involuntary attention restores. The Japanese have a name for this: Shinrin-yoku - the natural therapy of forest bathing. A great book to read on the brain benefits of being in nature is "This is Your Brain on Nature" by Eva Selhub. Also, "The Nature Principle" by Richard Louv. I love setting my office up outside, going for walks, cycling, gardening, hiking. I always seem to do my best thinking outdoors. How about you? Spending time outside gives your brain a chance to "carry out the neural trash", dial down stress, and recover. Try to find the time. Yes, you are busy, but don't be like the wood-cutter who wouldn't take time to take a break and sharpen the axe. Here's a suggestion: Maybe set a goal of 20 minutes a day to be in a natural setting. Call it your "20 Minute Vacation". Leave your smartphone at home. Your brain will thank you by being happier, and more relaxed. Research says you may even lower your blood pressure, pulse rate, and cortisol levels. One more thing: When you engage in involuntary attention, your directed attention gets better. Here's something else to think about: Did You Drop the Wrong Ball? Brain Bulletin #78 - The Best 30 Second Speech Ever Congratulations on learning something about your brain today. The Brain Bulletin is committed to help to do just that. If you missed any Brain Bulletins you can find them in the Brain Bulletin Archive: Also, something great and ongoing for your brain: Follow the Brain Guy on Twitter: You can join Terry Small's 3961 followers for free on Twitter: I just posted an interesting article: "How Screen Addiction is Taking a Toll on Children" Sitting" > I will be posting, or tweeting as it's called, regularly about the brain. What I'm reading, watching, thinking, doing....all as it relates to your brain. Twitter restricts tweets to 140 characters, so it is always quick and to the point. No time wasting! The Brain Bulletin is now on Twitter as well: Twitter has the easiest sign up page in the world. Even if you are not on Twitter you can check out my tweets here: I would also be happy to connect with you on Linkedin: And, Facebook: My favourite book this month was "Wrong - Why Experts Keep Failing Us - And How to Know When Not to Trust Them" by David H. Freedman. An interesting, cautionary read. It's been a great month. My new website is up and running. A big job out of the way! Presentation highlights were faculty at Douglas College, West Coast Marine Recovery Group, BC Chartered Professional Accountants. I also got to keynote the BC Registered Music Teacher's Conference. And best of all, lots of time with our grandson. Also, happy to announce two tours next year: Germany in Jan., and Ireland in May. Please let me know if you would like a presentation to your organization on the brain and learning, leadership, or health/wellness. Thanks for reading the Brain Bulletin......remember, you are a genius.