Laughing Matters
Using Humour in the Classroom to Improve student Learning
Learning increases with laughter!
Brain research has a great deal to say about the role of humour in learning. Laughter is a great gift that we can give to our students, and an important skill that we can model.
The brain opens up to new ideas when a laugh begins, and if a new idea slips in at that moment, it has a chance to grow.
"Our staff would like to thank you for your engaging presentation. You made us laugh, and you gave us so much to think about.....WOW!" - Delta Secondary School Professional Development Committee, Delta
Laughter can make learning a joyous experience. It provides a valuable "brain state change" for students.
The benefits include:
- increased flow of brain neuro-transmitters
- increased attention levels
- greater rapport
- lower physical and mental stress
- increased retention
- enhanced self-esteem
- increased optimism
- greater creativity
- increased divergent thinking
- and many others!
" I don't know when I have enjoyed a Pro-D day as much as I did on Friday, I told you I had to leave after my half day off for an appt. and I couldn't drag myself away. You should be on the late night show!! I hope you are invited back." - Kendra Law, Princess Margaret Secondary School, Surrey
In this highly entertaining session, you will learn how to use humour and laughter to promote better, faster learning! Many practical ideas will be presented that you can begin using in the classroom right away.
Remember, students need laughter in order to learn.
{ This presentation can be a keynote, or a workshop. The length of time of the session is flexible.It will also be customized for your group. }