BC McKay Executive Forum
McKay Executive Forums invites Terry to speak to business execs on April 24, 2024. Topic: Wire Your Brain for High Impact Leadership . Learning to become a Secure Base Leader.
YWCA - Job Futures 55+
The Brain Guy will once again be a featured speaker at the YWCA Job Futures 55+ in Vancouver on April 23, 2024. Topic: Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Sharper, Happier You! Mental & wellness health matter.
Engaging the Brain - Using Neuroscience to Improve Learning
The Faculty of Nursing at Langara College invites Terry to present "Engaging the Brain - Using Neuroscience to Improve Learning to Faculty Staff on April 15, 2024. Developing attention density is key!
Chilliwack Music Teachers Association
Terry Small will be in Chilliwack, BC on April 11, 2024 to speak to the Chilliwack Music Teachers Association. Topic: " Engaging the Brain ". Using neuroscience to improve student learning!
BC Hydro
BC Hydro invites the Brain Guy to present " Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! ", April 4, 2024. Mental health matters.
BC McKay CEO Forum
BC McKay CEO Forum invites Terry to present " Wire Your Brain for High Impact Leadership " on March 15, 2024. Learning to become a secure base leader.
City of Port Coquitlam
The City of Port Coquitlam invites Terry Small to present " Wire Your Brain for High Impact Leadership " on March 13, 2024. Learning to become a Secure Base Leader.
Pacific Dental Conference
Terry will present two half-day plenaries at the Pacific Dental Conference in Vancouver, Canada on March 8 & 9, 2024. This is Vancouver's biggest annual conference. Topic > Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You!
CPA Conference
The Brain Guy will be in Biloxi, Mississippi on March 1, 2024 to give the closing address at the National CPA Educators Annual Conference. Topic: Learning with the Brain in Mind.
Surrey Community Schools Outreach
Terry will facilitate a half-day workshop for Surrey Schools Community Outreach on Feb. 23, 2024 > Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! {Health & wellness matters!}
BC Wildfire Services
The Brain Guy will be in Sydney, BC to present a keynote address to BC Wildfire Services on Feb. 22, 2024. Topic > Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! {Mental health & wellness matters.}
Winston Churchill Secondary School
Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School invites Terry to speak to the Grade 11 & 12's on Feb. 20, 2024 in Vancouver. Our topic > Study Smarter, Not Harder with Your Brain in Mind ! { Discovering the secrets to make your brain pay attention.}
Burnaby North Secondary School
February 16, 2024, Terry will speak to the Student Leadership Group at Burnaby South Secondary School. Our topic > The Leadership Brain . { The importance of learning leadership skills would be difficult to overstate! }
YWCA - Job Futures 55+
YWCA invites Terry to return for the 12th time to speak at Job Futures 55+ in Vancouver on Feb. 5, 2024. Topic? " Health Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper YOU!" When your brain works right, you work right.
LLT Accountants
Terry Small will be in Chilliwack, BC to present "Thinking for a Change - Preparing You Mind & Brain for Disruption & Uncertainty" to LLT on January 26, 2024.
Prism Engineering
"Health Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You!" will be presented at Prism Engineering in Burnaby on Jan. 25, 2024. Health & wellness matters.
CEO Forum
The Brain Guy will present " Wire Your Brain for High Impact Leadership - 5 Things Every Leader Must Know About the Brain! ", at the BC CEO Forum in Vancouver on Jan. 18, 2024. Learning to be a Secure Base.
Terry Small will be a keynote speaker at the Chartered Professional Accountants Association Nexus Conference in Vancouver on Dec. 13, 2023. Topic : The Business of Learning - Preparing Your Mind for the Future
December 6, 2023, Terry will facilate a full-day workshop for CPABC > Triple Your Reading Speed - Read Faster, Remember More! { Read. It's healthy! }
The Chartered Professional Accountants Association of BC invite Terry Small to present "Brain Focus - The Power of Full Engagement" on Nov. 29, 2023. Attention density is key!
Terry will facilate a full-day workshop for CPABC on November 22, 2023: Wire Your Brain for High Impact Leadership . Becoming "Secure Base" leaders.
Fraser Health
Terry will debut a brand new presentation for Fraser Health Authority on November 18, 2023: "The Neuroscience of Trust - 5 Keys to Improving Every Relationship!".
Metro Vancouver
Metro Vancouver invites the Brain Guy to facilitate a full-day workshop in Burnaby, BC on Nov. 15, 2023: " Wire Your Brain for High Impact Leadership ". Learning to be a Secure Base leader! People follow authenticity.
BC Hydro
November 7, 2023, Terry will be at the Nanaimo Convention Centre to present " Thinking for a Change - Preparing Your Mind & Brain for Disruption & Uncertainty ". Change is a certain, growth is optional.
BC Hydro
The Brain Guy will be in Nanaimo, Canada to speak to BC Hydro on November 6, 2023 > Wire Your Brain for High Impact Leadership . Looking at leadership through the lens of neuroplasticity.
YWCA - Job Futures 55+
Terry will present to the YWCA Job Futures 55+ on November 3, 2023 : Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! Mindset matters!
Terry Small returns for the 3rd time to the ASPECT BC Annual Conference to give the keynote address: Thinking for a Change - Preparing Your Mind & Brain for Disruption & Uncertainty on Nov. 3, 2023.
The Chartered Professional Accountants Association of BC invites the Brain Guy to present "Brain Focus - The Power of Full Engagement" via webinar on October 31, 2023.
BC CEO Forum
The BC CEO Forum invites Terry Small to present on Oct. 30, 2023: " Wire Your Brain for High Impact Leadership ". 5 things every leader must know about the brain!
BC Timber Sales
On October 26, 2023, Terry will be in Parksville, Canada to present " Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! " to BC Timber Sales. Remember, when your brain works right, you work right.
BC Hydro
October 17, 2023, Terry will be in Kelowna, Canada to present " Thinking for a Change - Preparing Your Mind & Brain for Disruption & Uncertainty " to B.C. Hydro. "There is a bulldozer of change coming. You anc be part of the bulldozer, or you can be part of the road." ~ Frank Ogden
Elim Village
Elim Village in Surrey, B.C., the Brain Guy is coming your way on Oct. 13, 2023 to present to seniors > "Brain Power for Life!"
Northern Lakes College
August 28, 2023, Terry will be teaching students at Northern Lakes College in Alberta to " Study Smarter, Not Harder with Your Brain in Mind! ". Study strategies make a real difference.
The Brain Guy will facilitate a 2 day workshop for CPABC on July 25 & 26. Topic: " Triple Your Reading Speed " .You can read faster, remember more, and get great results!
Safe Care BC
Safe Care BC invites Terry Small to present " Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! " on July 12, 2023. When your brain works right, you work right!
Americas Leadership
Terry will be the keynote speaker at the M & S Americas Leadership Conference in Cancun, Mexico on June 28, 2023: Wire Your Brain for High Impact Leadership . Learning to become. a Secure Base Leader.
North Shore Foundry
North Shore Foundry invites the Brain Guy to present " Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! " on June 21, 2023.
Neuro Heart International Conference
Terry Small is honoured to present "The Learning Brain" at the Neuro Heart International Conference in Spain on June 9, 2023!
Kerrisdale Community Centre
Terry will present " Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! " to the Board of Directors for the Kerrisdale Community Centre on June 3, 2023.
May 30, 2023, Terry will present "Brain Focus - The Power of Full Engagement" to CPABC in Vancouver, Canada.
TESOL - France
Terry is honoured to be part of a panel discussion at TESOL France on "AI, Language Learning, and the Brain" in Paris on May 27, 2023.
Delta Teacher Assistants invite Terry to present " Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! " on May 16, 2023. Mental health matters!
Terry is honoured to be the keynote speaker at the WorkSafeBC Conference in Richmond on May 16, 2023. Topic: Conversations with the Brain in Mind for Impact & Influence {Words can change the brain.}
Ontario Dental Association Conf.
Terry will be in Toronto on May 11, 2023 to present 2 plenary sessions at the Ontario Dental Association Annual Conference: Healthy Brain, Healthy Workplace & Wire Your Brain for High Impact Leadership
BC Hydro
BC Hydro has asked Terry Small to present Health & Safety with Your Brain in Mind in Vancouver on May 9, 2023. Safety first!
BC Forest
Terry will be in Kamloops on May 4, 2023 to give the keynote address at the BC Interior Safety Conference 2023: Health & Safety with Your Brain in Mind { Every worker, every day, home safe.}
Brockton School
Brockton School in North Vancouver invites Terry to speak with students, faculty & parents on May 3, 2023. The topic: Thinking for a Change - Preparing Your Mind & Brain for Disruption & Uncertainty { Remember, genius is the art of non-habitual thinking.}
Canadian Parents for French
Salmon Arm welcomes Terry to the historic Salmar Theatre to present to parents & students, May 1, 2023 > Study Smarter, Not Harder with Your Brain in Mind! Learning how to learn is the most important skill, and depends on the right strategy.
Cariboo-Chilcotin School District #27
Terry will be in Williams Lake to facilitate a full-day workshop at Cariboo-Chilcotin School District #27 Teachers Conference 2023 on April 28 > Thinking for a Change - Preparing Your Mind & Brain for Disruption & Uncertainty . Will the "Red Queen Effect" be your downfall?
BC Hydro
April 27, Terry will keynote the BC Hydro Leadership Conference 2023 in Vancouver, Canada. Topic > " Wire Your Brain for High Impact Leadership " . Do the people you work, and live with, describe you as a secure base?
BC Hydro
Terry Small is honoured to give the keynote address at the BC Hydro Leadership Conference 2023 on April 20 in Vancouver, Canada. Topic: Wire Your Brain for High Impact Leadership .... becoming a Secure Base Leader.
Metro Vancouver
April 20, 2023, Terry will facilitate a full-day workshop at Metro Vancouver: Triple Your Reading Speed - Read Faster, Remember More, and Get Results!
Kwantlen Park Sec. School
On April 17 & 18, 2023, the Brain Guy will give two workshops to the Grade 8's at Kwantlen Park Secondary School in Surrey, B.C. > "Study Smarter, Not Harder .... with Your Brain in Mind!". Having a study strategy is the consistent predictor student success!
Neurolanguage Congress
Terry Small will present twice at the 2023 Neurolanguage Coaching Congress in Sitges, Spain on Mar. 30 & 31. Topic: Engaging the Brain - Using Neuroscience to Improve Language Learning
The BC Lottery Corp. invites Terry to present "Brain Focus - The Power of Full Engagement " on Mar. 20, 2023. Attention density is key.
River Valley School
River Valley School in Calgary invites Terry to present " Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! " , March 2, 2023.
Terry will conduct a half-day workshop for The Charted Professional Accountants of BC on March 1, 2023 in Vancouver > "Brain Focus - The Power of Full Engagement"
Terry Small will be a feature speaker twice at the ISABC Annual Conference on Feb.17, 2023: Topics > "Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! " and " Thinking for a Change - Preparing Your Mind & Brain for Distruption & Uncertainty "
Township of Langley
The Township of Langley invites the brain guy to present on Feb. 14, 2023: Thinking for a Change - Preparing Your Mind & Brain for Disruption & Uncertainty
YWCA - Mindset Program
The YWCA Mindset Program has again invited Terry to present " Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! " on February 1, 2023.
BC First Responders
Terry has been invited to present the Keynote Address at the BC First Reponders Conference on Jan. 26, 2023. Topic: Social Brain - Why Our Brains are Wired to Connect with Others
The Resort Municipality of Whister invites Terry to present " The Social Brain - Why Our Brains are Wired to Connect with Others", January 19, 2023.
Gallagher Benefit Services
Terry Small will be in Aspen, Colorado to speak to Gallagher Benefit Services on Jan. 14, 2023. Our topic > Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Happier, Calmer, Sharper You !
Metro Vancouver
Terry speaks to the Metro Vancouver Construction Group on Dec. 16, 2022 > Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You { Mental health matters!}
YWCA - Job Futures 55+
Terry Small will be a featured speaker at the YWCA Job Futures 55+ on Dec. 1, 2022: " Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! ". This will be the 10th consecutive time Terry has presented at this conference.
Terry Small will facilitate a full-day workshop for The Chartered Professional Accountants Association of BC on Nov. 30, 2022 in Vancouver. Topic: " Wire Your Brain for High Impact Leadership ". Learning to become a Secure Base Leader.
The Resort Municipality of Whistler invites Terry to present " Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! " on November, 28, 2022. Mental health & wellness matters.
Internal Auditors of BC
Terry will be in Victoria on Nov. 24, 2022 to present Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Sharper, Happier You! to the Internal Auditors' Association of BC. When your brain works right, you work right!
On November 23, 2022, Terry will facilitate a full-day workshop for the Certified Professional Accountants Association of BC in Vancouver, Canada: Wire Your Brain for High Impact Leadership . Learning to become a Secure Base Leader!
Town of Osoyoos
The Town of Osoyoos invites Terry Small to present a full-day workshop on Nov. 15, 2022. Topic: Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Sharper, Happier You!
CPABC invites The Brain Guy to present "Brain Focus - The Power of Full Engagement" to Chartered Professional Accountants on Nov. 8, 2022.
YWCA - Mindset Program
The YWCA Mindset Program invites Terry Small to present " Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! " on Oct. 31, 2022 in Vancouver, Canada.
Canadian Parents for French
October 29, 2022, Terry will be giving a Keynote Address at the Vancouver Island Safety Conference in Nanaimo, BC: Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to Calmer, Happier, Sharper You!
Canadian Parents for French
Terry will provide the Keynote Address at the Canadian Parents for French on Oct. 15, 2022 in Richmond, BC. Topic: Wire Your Brain for High Impact Leadership
YWCA Job Futures 55+
October 5, 2022, Terry will speak to the YWCA Job Futures 55+ Program in Vancouver: Health Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You!
Fisheries & Oceans Canada invites Terry Small to present " Health Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! " on Oct. 4, 2022. Mental health and wellness matter.
UBC Safety
Terry will givet the Keynote Address at the UBC Safety Day on October 4, 2022: Health & Safety with the Brain in Mind . Is your brain workplace safety hazzard?
Electrical Contractor's Association
Terry Small will provide the Keynote Address for the Electrical Contractors Association of BC in Victoria on Sept. 29, 2022. Topic: Boost Your Brain Power - 17+ Ways to Improve Your Marvelous Mind!
Lord Tweedsmuir
On the evening of September 22, 2022, Terry will speak to students & parents of Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary School in Surrey, BC > Study Smarter, Not Harder with Your Brain in Mind!
The Brain Guy will present " Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Sharper, Happier You! " to Kongsberg Mesotech on September 21, 2022.
YWCA Mindset
YWCA Vancouver invites Terry Small to be a featured presenter in the Mindset Program on July 20, 2022. Topic: Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You!
Terry will facilitate a full-day workshop for the Chartered Professional Accountants Association of BC on July 12, 2022. Topic: Wire Your Brain for High Impact Leadership . Learn to be a "Secure Base" leader.
On July 12, 2022, Terry Small will present " Thinking for a Change - Preparing Your Mind & Brain for Disruption & Uncertainty " for the Department of National Defence - Canada.
YWCA Job Futures 55+
Terry returns to YWCA Job Futures 55+ to present " Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Step to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! " on July 4, 2022.
The Chartered Professional Accountants of BC invite Terry to facilitate a half-day workshop on June 17, 2022 in Vancouver. Topic: Brain Engagement - The Power of Full Engagement!
Food Banks BC
Terry is honoured to present the keynote address at the Food Banks BC Annual Conference 2022. Topic: " Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Sharper, Happier You! "
CANFOR invites Terry Small to present "Brain Focus - The Power of Full Engagement" on May 25, 2022.
Terry will present " Engaging the Brain - Using Neuroscience to Improve Student Learning " to the Delta Teachers' Assistance Conference on May 17, 2022.
Metro Vancouver
Metro Vancouver invites Terry to return and present another session of " Brain Boosting Secrest - 16 Things Everyone Must Know About the Brain! ", May 13, 2022.
BC Hydro
The "Brain Guy" will present " Thinking for a Change - Preparing Your Mind & Brain for Disruption & Uncertainty " at the BC Hydro Roundtable in Vancouver on May 12, 2022.
City of North Vancouver
The City of North Vancouver invites Terry to facilitate a half-workshop on May 5, 2022 > Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper YOU!
City of Port Moody
The City of Port Moody invites Terry to present " Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! ", May 3, 2022.
Neuro Heart
Terry Small will present " Engaging the Brain " at the Neuro Heart Education Conference in Sitges, Spain on April 30, 2022.
SAP invites Terry to present " Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership " to Global Business Women's Network: April 26, 2022 to Europe/Americas and Asia/Pacific on April 28, 2022.
Terry Small has the honour of presenting " Wire Your Brain for High Impact Leadership " to the Kelowna RCMP on April 21, 2022.
Odlum Brown
On April 12, 2022, Terry will present " Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! " to Odlum Brown.
Metro Vancouver
Terry will present a live webinar for Metro Vancouver on April 5, 2022: Thinking for a Change - Preparing Your Mind & Brain for Disruption & Uncertainty
Township of Langley
The Township of Langley is hosting a half-day workshop on March 30, 2022. Terry will present " Healthy Brain Reslient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! ".
The Electrical Contrators Association of B.C. invites Terry to present " Thinking for a Change - Preparing Your Mind & Brain for Disruption & Uncertainty ", March 16, 2022.
Ridge Meadows Seniors
The Ridge Meadows Seniors Society invites Terry Small to provide the keynote address for their Annual Wellness Conference on March 19, 2022. Topic: Laughing Matters - Becoming Healthier One Laugh at a Time!
Metro Vancouver
Metro Vancouver invites Terry Small to facilitate a full-day workshop: Wire Your Brain for High Impact Leadership on March 9, 2022. Learning to become a Secure Base Leader.
Terry will facilitate a half-day workshop for the Chartered Professional Accountants Association of B.C. on March 2, 2022 on the important topic: "Brain Focus - The Power of Full Engagement".
The Independent Schools Association of B.C. Annual Conference, Feb. 18, 2022 will feature two workshops by the "brain guy" : Brain Focus - The Power of Full Engagement, and Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You!
YWCA Job Futures 55+
On Feb. 9, 2022, Terry will present " Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! " to Job Futures 55+ in Vancouver, B.C.
Association for Mineral Exploration
The Association for Mineral Exploration invites Terry to provide the keynote address for the 2022 Annual Conference in Vancouver, Canada on Feb. 2, 2022. Topic: Safety First with Your Brain in Mind . Is your brain a workplace hazard?
River Valley School
River Valley School faculty invite Terry Small to facilitate a half-day workshop in Calgary, Alberta on Jan. 28, 2022: " Laughing Matters - Using Humour in the Classroom to Improve Student Learning "
YWCA Mindset Program
On December 21, 2021, Terry will present " Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! " to YWCA Vancouver - Mindset Program.
Fisheries & Oceans Canada
Fisheries & Oceans Canada invites Terry to present " Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! " on Dec. 9, 2021 in Parksville, B.C.
CPABC invites Terry Small to facilitate a full-day workshop on Dec. 8, 2021: Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership
YWCA Job Futures 55+
December 1, 2021, Terry will host a live webinar for YWCA Vancouver "Job Futures 55+" Conference: Health Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You!
CANFOR invites Terry Small to conduct a full-day workshop on November 25, 2021: Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership ..... Become a Secure Base leader!
Terry Small will faciliate a full-day workshop " Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership " for the Chartered Professional Accountants Association of British Columbia on Nov. 23, 2021. Learning to be a Secure Base Leader.
November 17, 2021, Terry will conduct a full-day workshop for CPABC: Triple Your Reading Speed - Read Faster, Remember, More & Get Results!
Nordic Network of Schools
Terry Small will present the keynote address to the Nordic Network of Schools in Stockholm, Sweden on November 13, 2021: Engaging the Brain - Using Neuroscience to Improve Student Learning
D & H Group
The D & H Group in Vancouver invites the Brain Guy to conduct a half-day workshop on Oct. 25, 2021: Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership
Township of Langley
Terry will conduct a half-day workshop to the Township of Langley on Sept. 29, 2021: The Leadership Brain - Learning to Lead with the Brain in Mind!
The Vancouver Airport Authority (YVR) invites Terry Small to present " Thinking for a Change - Preparing Your Mind & Brain for Disruption & Uncertainty " on September 27, 2021.
Township of Langley
The Township of Langley invites Terry Small to facilitate a half-day workshop on Sept. 29, 2021. Topic: " The Leadership Brain - Learning to Lead with the Brain in Mind! "
Wegroup Equipment
Terry Small will be in Whistler to present " Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper YOU! " to Wesgroup Equipment on Sept. 23, 2021.
Encore Business Solutions
Encore Business solutions invites Terry to present " Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper YOU! ", Sept. 21, 2021. Mental health matters!
BC Construction Labour Relations Assoc
BC Construction Labour Relations Association announces that Terry Small will deliver the Keynote Address at the 2021 Annual Conference in Vancouver on Sept. 17. Topic: Health & Safety with Your Brain in Mind
Terry Small will present "Healthy Brain Reslient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You!" to the Electical Contractors Association of BC, September 14, 2021.
Red Cross
The Red Cross invites Terry Small to present "Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You!" on August 19, 2021.
Top 4 Teachers
On July 1, 2021, Terry Small will be speaking the "Top Teachers International Conference" hosted in Europe. Topic: Engaging the Brain - Using Neuroscience to Improve Student Learning
YWCA Job Futures 55+
Terry Small will speak at "Job Futures 55+ on June 24, 2022: " Healthy Brain, Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! "
The Chartered Professional Accountants Association of BC invite Terry to present "Brain Focus - The Power of Full Engagement" in Vancouver on June 17, 2021.
Voyageur Baseball
" Healthy Brain, Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! " will be presented in Sudbury, Ontario to Voyageur Baseball on June 2, 2021. Mental health matters!
Terry will present " Healthy Brain, Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! " in Victoria on May 28, 2021 to the Capital Regional District. Remember, health brain > healthy workplace > healthy life!
The Justice Institute of British Columbia invites Terry Small to present " Healthy Brain, Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! " on May 26, 2021 in Vancouver.
Southridge School
Southridge School Administration invites Terry Small to present Healthy Brain, Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! on May 21, 2022.
American School in Japan
On May 19, 2021, Terry will present Study Smarter, Not Harder .... with Your Brain in Mind! for the American School in Japan - Tokyo. Parents, students, & faculty.
Terry Small presents Health Brain, Healthy Workplace Delta Teachers Assistants Conference on May 18, 2021.
Neuro Heart Conference
The Brain Guy will be a featured speaker at the Neuro Heart Education International Conference in Sitges, Spain on May 16, 2021. Topic: Engaging the Brain - Using Brain Science to Improve Learning
YWCA Job Futures 55+
On May 14, 2021, Terry Small will present " Health Brain Resilent Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You! " to the YWCA Job Future 55+. Brain state matters!
Township of Langley
Terry is looking forward to presenting "Service with the Brain in Mind" to the Township of Langley, May 12, 2021. Learning to be a Secure Base.
The British Columbia Career Development Association will have the Brain Guy present "5 Things Every Career Development Professional Needs to Know About the Brain", May 11, 2021.
Metro Vancouver
Terry will present " Safety First with the Brain in Mind " to Metro Vancouver on May 6, 2021. Every worker, every day, home safe.
St. Michaels University School
St. Michael's University School in Victoria invites Terry Small to parents, students, and faculty: "Healthy Brain, Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You!" to keynote Mental Health Awareness Week, May 4 & 5, 2021.
Deloitte invites Terry Small to present Healthy Brain Resilient Mind Webinar - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Sharper, Happier You! , May 4, 2021.
Canada Post
Canada Post invites Terry to present Wire Your Brain for High Impact Leadership on April 20, 2021.
Metro Vancouver
Terry will facilitate a full-day work shop for Metro Vancouver on March 26, 2021 : Brain Boosting Secrets - 16 Things Everyone Should Know About the Brain!
The Chartered Professional Accountants Association of BC invites Terry Small to present a one-day workshop on Mar. 24, 2021: Wire Your Brain for High Impact Leadership { Learning to be a secure base.}
Western Regional Courts Administration
On March 4, 2021, Terry will speak to Western Regional Courts Administration. Webinar topic: Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Sharper, Happier You!
Richmond School District
The Brain Guy will present Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Sharper, Happier You! at the Richmond School District Conference on Feb. 12, 2021.
Department of National Defence
The Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt invites Terry Small to present Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Sharper, Happier You! on Feb. 4, 2021. Brain power for work and life!
Township of Langley
Terry Small has prepared a video series for The Township of Langley: Expect Excellence - Customer Service with the Brain in Mind
Metro Vancouver
Metro Vancouver invites Terry to facilitate a full-day online workshop, " Triple Your Reading Speed - Read Faster, Remember More! " on January 29, 2021.
Department of National Defence
Terry Small will conduct a full-day workshop for the Department of National Defence on January 15, 2021: Triple Your Reading Speed - Read Faster, Remember More!
Bryton Marine Group
Bryton Marine Group invites Terry to present " Wire Your Brain for High Impact Leadership " on January 13, 2021. Five things every leader must know about the brain in a time of disruption & uncertainty.
PARC Retirement
The "Brain Guy" will speak to residents at PARC Retirement Living on 6, 2021. Our topic will be "Brain Power for Life!" Rememer, the best time to look after your brain is today!
EGN Singapore
Executives Global Network, Singapore invited Terry Small to present on December 8, 2020. Topic: 5 Things Every Leader Must Know About the Brain in an Age of Disruption & Uncertainty. Remember, people follow authenticity. Be a "Secure Base"!
A full-day webinar will be facilitated by The Brain Guy for the Chartered Professional Accountants Association of British Columbia on Dec. 2, 2020: " Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership ". Do the people you work with describe you as a secure base? How can you use brain science to become a more effective leader?
Terry will conduct a one-day " Triple Your Reading Speed - Read Faster, Remember More! " workshop in Vancouver, November 30, 2020. Knowledge is power!
Richmond School District
Richmond School District invites Terry Small to present " Engaging the Brain - Using Brain Science to Improve Student Learning " to 400 educators on November 23, 2020.
Metro Vancouver
Metro Vancouver invites Terry Small to conduct a full-day workshop: Wire Your Brain for High Impact Leadership on November 20, 2020. Learning to be a "Secure Base Leader".
The Brain Guy will present the opening plenary at the CPABC PD Nexus: Public Practice Insights on Nov. 18, 2020. This virtual conference is being hosted in Vancouver. Terry's topic: The Brain Science of Coping with Stress and Making Public Practice Fun Again!
YWCA Job Futures 55+
The YWCA invites Terry to present virtually at the " Job Futures 55+ " on Nov. 12, 2020 in Vancouver. Our learning topic: Healthy Brain, Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You!
Aspect BC Keynote Address
ASPECT BC invites Terry to give the Keynote Address at their Annual Conference on November 5, 2020 in Victoria. Topic: Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You!
Healthy Brain Resilient Mind
Terry has a brand new webinar now available for booking: Healthy Brain Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Sharper, Happier You! This session will gives you, and your organization the tools, and strategies to respond to mental health & wellness challenges, disruption, and prepare for an ever changing future.
IAFOR invites Terry to present at the 12th Asian Conference on Education (ACE2020), Tokyo, Japan on Oct. 29, 2020. Topic: Healthy Brain, Resilient Mind - 5 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You!
EGN Singapore
EGN Singapore invites Terry to present "5 Things Every Leader Must Know About the Brain in an Age
of Disruption & Uncertainty" on December 8, 2020.
Terry has a brand new webinar now available for booking: The Healthy Brain Webinar - An All Ages Guide to a Calmer, Happier, Sharper You. This session will gives you, and your organization the tools, and strategies to respond to current life challenges, disruption, and prepare for an ever changing future.
Nordic Network of International Schools
Big Announcement: Terry Small has been invited to provide the Keynote Address at the Nordic Network of International Schools Annual Conference in Stockholm, Sweden on Oct. 22, 2021. Topic: Engaging Student Brains - Using Neuroscience to Improve Student Learning
Pacific Naval Fleet
The Pacific Naval Fleet (DND) invites Terry to conduct a full-day workshop on Jan. 21, 2020 in Esquimalt, BC. Topic: Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership. Learning to become a secure-base leader.
Terry Small will facilitate a full-day "Triple Your Reading Speed - Read Faster, Remember More!" workshop on Jan. 20, 2020 for the Canadian Department of National Defence in Victoria, Canada.
Douglas College Training Group
The Douglas College Traing Group invites Terry Small to Present Wire You Brain for High Impact Leadership, December 13, 2019.
Connect First Credit Union
Connect First Credit Union invites Terry to Calgary to facilitate a full-day workshop on Dec. 11, 2019: Wire Your Brain for HIgh Impact Leadership. Learning to be a secure-base leader!
Terry will be at the Vancouver Convention Centre on Dec. 6, 2019 to provide the closing keynote address at Nexus Business & Leadership Insights Conference. Topic: Thinking for a Change - Preparing Your Mind & Brain for Disruption
Metro Vancouver
Terry will conduct a full-day workshop at Metro Vancouver, December 4, 2019 : Brain Boosting Secrets - Making the Science of Cognitive Fitness Work for You!
On Nov. 29, Terry Small will present a full-day workshop at the Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre: Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership. Five things every leader must know about the brain!
Terry Small will facilitate a full-day workshop, Triple Your Reading Speed , for Chartered Professional Accountants of BC in Surrey, BC., Nov. 27, 2019. Read faster, remember more, and get great results!
Boating BC
Terry will provide the opening Keynote Address at the Boating BC Annual Conference in Richmond, BC on Nov. 26, 2019. Topic: Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership
Terry will conduct a full-day Triple Your Reading Speed workshop for CPABC in Vancouver, November 20, 2019. Read faster, remember more, get results! Learning is indispensable to leadership ....
Capital Regional District
Terry will provide the Keynote Address at the Capital Regional District Safety Conference in Victoria, B.C. on November, 19, 2019. Safety first!
On November 12, 2019, Terry will lead a half-day workshop "Brain Focus - The Power of Full Engagement" for the Chartered Professional Accountants of BC, Vancouver, Canada. Remember, paying attention is the result of good brain function, and good brain function is result of paying attention to our brains!
Township of Langley
The Township of Langley will host a Healthy Brain, Healthy Workplace workshop with Terry Small on November 5, 2019. Remember, when our brains work right, we work right!
United Steelworkers
Terry will conduct a full day workshop for United Steelworkers Local 1-405 in Cranbrook, Canada on November 2, 2019. Topic: Health & Safety with Your Brain in Mind . Safety first!
Oct. 21, 2019, Terry will present Healthy Brain, Healthy Workplace to YVR (Vancouver International Airport).
Southridge School
Southridge School invites Terry to speak to students on Oct. 9, 2019. Topic: Study Smarter, Not Harder with Your Brain in Mind!
Ridge Meadows Seniors
Terry to provide the Keynote Address at the Ridge Meadows Senior's Conference on Oct. 5, 2019. Topic: 21 Ways Make Your Brain Smarter & Healthier Every Day!
Mott Electric
On Sept. 23, 2019, Terry will keynote the Field Foreman Conference at Mott Electric. Topic: Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership
Metro Vancouver
Terry will facilitate a full day Health & Safety with the Brain in Mind workshop at Metro Vancouver on September 17, 2019. Safety first!
BC Hydro
BC Hydro invites the Brain Guy to present "Brain Focus - The Power of Full Engagement" on September 6, 2019 in Vancouver, Canada.
Terry Small will deliver the keynote address at the Futuraskolan Annual Conference in Stockholm, Sweden on August 16, 2019. Topic: Engaging the Brain - Using Neuroscience to Improve Student Learning
The Brain Guy will conduct a full day Wire You Brain fo High IMPACT Leadership workshop for CPABC in Victoria on July 18, 2019.
Kitsilano Business Leaders
The Vancouver Board of Trade and Kitsilano Business Leaders will co-sponsor Terry Small's Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership on July 11, 2019.
Fisheries & Oceans Canada
Fisheries & Oceans Canada invites Terry Small to present Healthy Brain, Healthy Workplace, Healthy Life at the Pacific Biological Station in Nanaimo on June, 13, 2019.
The New Westminster/Coquitlam Chapter of CPABC invites Terry Small to conduct a workshop on June 8, 2019: The Leadership Brain - Learning to Lead with the Brain in Mind
Building Owners & Managers Association of BC
Terry Small will be the after-dinner speaker at the Building Owners & Managers Association of BC Annual Awards Night on May 30, 2019 in Vancouver. Topic: The Leadership Brain - Learning to Lead with the Brain in Mind
BC Ferries
Terry will give 2 presentations in Victoria to BC Ferries on May 27 & 28, 2019 : Health Brain, Healthy Workplace, Healthy Life!
AWC Process Solutions
Terry Small will conduct an all day workshop, Triple Your Reading Speed - Read Faster, Remember More! , at AWC Process Solutions in Langley, Canada on May 25, 2019.
On May 21, 2019 the Brain Guy will present Study for Success at the DTAC Conference in Delta.
Fisheries & Oceans Canada
Terry Small returns to Fisheries & Oceans Canada in Vancouver on May 14, 2019 to present Brain Boosting Secrets - Part 2 .
City of Coquitlam
May 9, 2019, Terry will Keynote the City of Coquitlam Manager Leadership Development Day: Healthy Brain, Resilient Leadership.
Worksafe BC
Terry will conduct 2 workshops at the Worksafe BC Prevention Conference in Richmond on May 8, 2019: Health & Safety with the Brain in Mind.
Jacobs Engineering
Jacobs Engineering invites The Brain Guy to present Healthy Brain, Healthy Workplace, Healthy Life during Mental Health Awareness Week on May 7, 2019.
Brockton School
Brockton School in North Vancouver invites Terry to speak to faculty and students during Mental Health Awareness week on May 6, 2019: Health & Wellness with Your Brain in Mind
Vancouver Construction
Terry Small will be in Whistler, Canada on May 4, 2019 to present the closing session at the Vancouver Construction Annual Leadership Forum. Topic: 5 Things Every Leaders Must Know about the Brain
Vancouver College
The faculty of Vancouver College invites Terry to present the keynote address Engaging the Brain - Using Brain Science to Improve Student Learning on May 3, 2019.
BC Interior Safety Conference
Terry will give the keynote address at the BC Interior Safety Conference in Kamloops, Canada on May 2, 2019. Topic: Health & Safety with the Brain in Mind
Expedia worldwide headquarters in Seattle invites Terry to provide keynote address on May 1, 2019. Topic: Communicating & Presenting with the Brain in Mind.
Metro Vancouver
Triple Your Reading Speed - Read Faster, Remember More all day workshop will be conducted by Terry Small at Metro Vancouver, April 30, 2019.
St. John's School
St. John's School in Vancouver, Canada invites Terry Small to present to Faculty on April 23, 2019. Topic: Engaging the Brain - Using Neuroscience to Improve Student Learning
The "Brain Guy" will be in Victoria, Canada to present Healthy Brain, Healthy Workplace to Capital Regional District employees on April 12, 2019.
North Central Local Government Management Association
Terry will be in Prince George on April 11, 2019 to keynote the North Central Local Government Management Association Conference: The Leadership Brain - Learning to Lead with the Brain in Mind
Pension Corp
Pension Corp invites Terry Small to present "Learing with Your Brain in Mind" in Victoria on March 27, 2019.
Intstitute of Internal Auditors
Terry will be in Victoria on March 21, 2019 to present a keynote address to the Institute of Internal Auditors: Healthy Brain, Healthy Workplace, Healthy Life!
City of North Vancouver
Healthy Brain, Healthy Workplace will be presented to the City of North Vancouver, February 14, 2019.
Terry Small will present Laughing Matters - Using Humour in the Classroom to Improve Student Learning at the Crosscurrents 2019 TIE Conference in Richmond, B.C., February 21, 2109.
February 8, 2019, Terry Small will present "Brain Focus - The Power of Full Engagement at Work & Life!" to CPABC in Vancouver, Canada.
Metro Vancouver
Terry Small will conduct a full-day workshop at Metro Vancouver on February 5, 2019: The Leadership Brain - Learning to Lead with the Brain in Mind
Langley Memorial Hospital
The Langley Memorial Hospital Medical Staff invites Terry Small to present Healthy Brain, Healthy Workplace, Healthy Life on February 2, 2019.
The Doon School
The Doon School in Dehradun, India invites Terry Small to present "Study Smarter, Not Harder with Your Brain in Mind" to Year 9-12 students on January 21, 2019.
The Doon School
Terry will conduct two workshops for the faculty of The Doon School, in Dehradun, India on January 18 & 19, 2019. Topic: Engaging the Brain - Using Neuroscience to Improve Student Learning
Richmond District Parent's Advisory Council invites the Brain Guy to present "Study Smarter, Not Harder with Your Brain in MInd" in RIchmond, Canada on January 10, 2109.
Terry conducts a full-day workshop for leaders at CPABC in Vancouver on December 14, 2018. Topic: Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership
Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership will be presented to the Chartered Professional Accountants Association of BC in Vancouver, Canada on November 23, 2019.
UNIFOR Regional Council
Terry will present the Keynote Address at the UNIFOR Regional Council in New Westminster on Nov. 20, 2019: Health & Safety with Your Brain in Mind
Terry Small will present Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership in Kelowna for CPABC on November, 16, 2018.
DGS Brasil
The "Brain Guy" will speak in Rio de Janeiro on Nov. 6, 2018 to DGS Brasil. Topic: Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership
BC Hydro Roundtable
October 24, 2018, Terry returns to the BC Hydro Round Table to provide the keynote address: The Leadership Brain - Learning to Lead with the Brain in Mind - Part 2
Trinity Western University
Terry Small to give the Keynote Address at TWU School of Business - Annual Signature Alumni Evening Gala, Oct. 15, 2018. Topic: Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership
HSBC invites Terry to present " Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership " in Vancouver, Canada on Oct. 4, 2018
Vancouver Island Safety Conference
The "Brain Guy" will present the keynote address at the Vancouver Island Safety Conference on Sept. 29, 2018 in Nanaimo, B.C. Topic: Health & Safety with the Brain in Mind
Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary School
The faculty at Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary School in Surrey invites Terry Small to facilitate Engaging the Brain - Using Brain Science to Improve Student Learning on Sept. 24, 2018.
International School of Lausanne
The International School of Lausanne, Switzerland invites Terry Small to present twice to student, faculty, and parents on Sept. 18, 2018. Topic: Learning to Study with Your Brain in Mind
Geneva Leadership Conference
September 20, 2018, Terry will keynote the Leadership Forum in Geneva, Switzerland. Topic: Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership
District of Kent
Terry will present " Health & Safety with Your Brain in Mind " to all employees at the Distric of Kent on August 29, 2018.
Association of Science Technologists & Technicians of BC
On July 28 and August 3, 2018, Terry will conduct " Triple Your Reading Speed " workshops for the Association of Science Technologists & Technicians of BC. Read faster, remember more .....
Kongsberg Mesotech
Kongsberg Mesotech invites Terry Small to present "Brain Focus - The Power of Full Engagement" to all employees on August 15, 2018.
Indosuez Wealth Management
Indosuez Wealth Management invites Terry Small to present Healthy Brain, Healthy Workplace in Geneva, Switzerland on July 12, 2018.
Total Health Care
The Brain Guy will speak at the Total Health Care Conference in Osoyoos, Canada on June 7, 2018: Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership
CPABC Conference
Terry Small presents "Laughing Matters - The Importance of Humour in the Workplace" at the CPABC 2018 Conference in Vancouver, Canada.
Department of Fisheries & Oceans
Terry Small will present "Healthy Brain, Healthy Workplace" to Canadian Department of Fisheries & Oceans in Vancouver, May 18, 2018.
CPABC invites Terry back again to present "Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership" in Vancouver, May 11, 2018.
ISABC Academic & Deputy Heads invites Terry Small to present "Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership" on May 9, 2018.
Coca Cola
Coca Cola invites Terry to present " Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership " on May 7, 2018. Learning to lead with the brain in mind ....
Construction Leadership Forum
The Brain Guy presents " Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership " in Whistler, BC at the Construction Leadership Forum on May, 2, 2018.
Terry Small will present "Your Brain at Work" at WorkSafeBC, May 2, 2018.
BC Hydro
Terry Small presents Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership to BC Hydro in Vancouver on May 2, 2018.
UNIFOR National Safety Conference invites Terry Small to Keynote: Health and Safety with Your Brain in Mind - April 20, 2018
Thompson Okanagan Local Government Mangement Associatioin
Terry Small will present the keynote address at the Thompson Okanagan Local Government Mangagement Association Conference on April 5, 2018. Topic: Healthy Brain, Healthy Workplace
BC Hydro Industrial Energy Managers Roundtable
Terry Small is invited to present the Keynote: Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership at the B.C. Hydro Industrial Energy Managers Roundtable in Vancouver, April 5, 2018.
Pulp and Paper Industry Joint Safety Conference
Terry Small will present "Health & Safety with Your Brain in Mind" at the Pulp and Paper Industry Safety Conference, Vancouver, March 2, 2018.
Results Canada
Results Canada has invited Terry Small to be a featured speaker at the Business Execution Summit in Kananaskis, Alberta, February 25-27, 2018. Terry's presentation: Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership
Paradowski Creative
Paradowski Creative invited Terry to deliver Keynote Address in St. Louis, Missouri on July 27, 2017: Storytelling and the Brain
EdYOUfest Van Gogh
Terry Small will be presenting on Your brain and learning, leadership, health & wellness at EdYOUfest Van Gogh in Avers sur Oise, France, July 6-10, 2017.
The Greenspan Company
Terry will be presenting the Keynote Address at the Greenspan Conference in Napa Valley, California, Oct. 29, 2016. Topic: Wire Your Brain for High IMPACT Leadership
The Association of International Schools of India
TAISI - The Association of International Schools of India invites Terry to keynote The Annual Leaders Conference in Delhi, India on Sept. 30, 2016: Topic > Wire Your Brain for High Impact Leadership
Terry will present to senior leadership group in Geneva, Switzerland
Terry Small has been invited to present to senior leadership group in Geneva, Switzerland on May 16, 2016: You Brain at Work
Brain Power for Life
Executive Medicine of Texas invites Terry Small to speak in Dallas, Texas on Mar. 24, 2016. Topic: Brain Power for Life!
Charisma 2.0 - The Performance Edge
Terry is honoured to present "The Charismatic Brain - Wire Your Brain for Charismatic Presence" at Charisma 2.0 - The Performance Edge in Dublin, Ireland on April 24, 2016.
Association of German International Schools
Terry Small honoured to be giving the Keynote and Closing Address at the AGIS Annual Confence in Hannover, Germany, Jan. 29 - 31, 2016
The Brain Guy is co-presenting...
The Brain Guy is co-presenting with Ed Chaffin, president of the IMPACT Group, in St. Louis on Nov. 10, 2015: "Wiring Your Brain for High Impact Leadership". Open to the public.
Terry will speak at the 5th Annual Educational Neuroscience Conference in Indianapolis.
Terry will speak at the 5th Annual Educational Neuroscience Conference in Indianapolis on Saturday, November 7, 2015. Topic: Wiring Your Brain for Educational Leadership
Terry Small to present "Wiring Your Brain for Servant Leadership".
Terry Small to present "Wiring Your Brain for Servant Leadership" in Indianapolis at Marian U. on Nov. 5, 2015.
BC Financial Healthcare Professionals
Terry Small presents twice at the BC Healthcare Professionals Conference in Richmond, Oct. 1, 2015. Topic: Wiring Your Brain for High Impact Leadership
Charism 2.0 - The Performance Edge
Terry is honoured to present "The Charismatic Brain - Wire Your Brain for Charismatic Presence" at Charisma 2.0 - The Performance Edge in Dublin, Ireland on April 24, 2016.
Delta Secondary School
Delta Secondary School invites Terry to speak to faculty for the third time this year on Sept. 25, 2015. Topic: Engaging the Brain - Using Neuroscience to Improve Student Learning
Princess Margaret Secondary School
Terry Small to present "Engaging the Brain" to faculty at Princess Margaret Secondary School in Surrey, Sept. 2, 2015.
BC Ferry Corp
BC Ferries invites Terry Small to present "Your Brain at Work" in Victoria on Sept. 8 & 9, 2015.
Douglas College
Terry Small speaks to faculty of Douglas College about the brain and learning on June 19, 2015.
Members in Business and Industry invite Terry Small
Members in Business and Industry invite Terry Small to present The Leadership Brain at the Vancouver Trade and Convention Center on June 16, 2015.
Terry Small will keynote School District 67
Terry Small will keynote School District 67 Conference on Feb. 16, 2015: Engaging the Brain.
E3 Financial invites Terry Small
E3 Financial invites Terry Small to present Your Brain at Work in Aspen, Colorado on Feb. 14, 2015.
Pension Corp invites Terry Small
Pension Corp invites Terry Small at speak twice on Feb. 4, 2015.
Feb. 2-6, 2015, Terry will in Ireland
Feb. 2-6, 2015, Terry will in Ireland co-presenting (with Poll Moussoulides) to senior leaders: The Smart, Savvy Leader - Learning to Lead with the Brain in Mind.